Portrait of post-production lead Nichole Silva

if you need last-minute files

at the speed of light, you’ll love

Nichole Silva

Nichole keeps the boat afloat, heading our post-production team, retouching those unsightly exit signs and managing project deadlines. When not on location, Nichole works hard behind the scenes to keep the studio running smoothly, and make sure our clients have everything they need.

Three True Things:

  • Her office features a wall of framed 4x5 Polaroids from early A-Frame projects.

  • Her poodle, Penny, has a drag name.

  • She’s been invited to be part of a Taco Bell focus group. Twice.

She has a soft spot for the SCarborough Public Library by LGA-AP because it was her first project with A-Frame.

See Nichole in action: